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Commercial Building Air Quality Testing Long Island

Commercial Building Air Quality Testing

If there were someone or something lurking about your Long Island business, causing problems for your building and employees, you’d go the extra mile to get rid of it, right? That’s exactly why Long Island commercial business owners cannot afford to ignore the issue of air quality testing. With the proper measures like air quality testing, mold testing, and air duct cleaning, done by a reputable practitioner like Moldbusters, Long Island workplaces return to safe, clean, and efficient environments once more.

That being said, there are some things you simple can’t afford not to know about air quality testing! Here are the top 10:

  1. 1.     Most mold is not visible to the naked eye. Even if you can’t see it, mold could be causing health problems and negatively impacting your businesses. Air quality testing must be undergone to know for sure if you’ve got a problem.
  2. 2.     How the testing process works. In order to really understand the benefits of mold and air quality testing, you need to understand the process. Basically, samples are taken from inside and outside the lab in order to form intelligent comparisons between the control sample, and areas suspected of contamination. After, you will receive a detailed lab report, informing you as to your property’s potential and existing hazards, and the right course of action to remedy the situation.
  3. 3.     Exposure to contaminants is more common than you think. In fact, exposure to airborne contaminants is one of the most common environmental health hazards employees all across Long Island face in the workplace.
  4. 4.     Not all contaminants come from outside. Operating in damp or heavily industrial conditions can make the problem worse, but other businesses are not immune to contaminants: many are generated indoors.
  5. 5.     How contaminants spread. If your Long Island commercial building has an air conditioning system, heating, or ventilation, then contaminants are being spread. That’s why routine air duct cleaning is so important. Contaminants can also enter the HVAC system from outside, meaning regular air quality testing is imperative.
  6. 6.     The side effects of exposure. When employees are repeatedly exposed to poor indoor air quality, they may experience any number of general symptoms like feelings of sickness or malaise. Some may even be forced to miss work, or undergo expensive and debilitating medical care.
  7. 7.     What causes the side effects? These negative effects are caused by exposure to mycotoxins. These are released by mold spores and mold in general.
  8. 8.     Poor indoor air quality aggravates existing conditions. Even if the indoor air quality of your commercial enterprise is only slightly compromised, it can worsen existing conditions in anyone exposed including allergies, migraines, asthma and other respiratory problems, and skin ailments.
  9. 9.     Not testing air quality is expensive. While testing indoor air quality might seem an extra cost, imagine all the money lost on employees missing time from work, poor production levels, and in cleaning up mold that’s gotten out of hand, and you’ll agree an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  10. 10.  Regular air quality testing lowers insurance premiums. Ask your insurance company if you qualify for lower premiums based on preventative measures taken like air duct cleaning.

The problem with dangerous mold contamination is that it spreads quickly. Even an imperceptible leak can supply enough moisture to allow microorganisms like fungi to thrive, producing thousands of spores per day. When these spores become airborne, they cause problems throughout your Long Island commercial building.

Get on top of air quality and mold testing today. Call us at Moldbusters for an initial quote and additional information about our commercial air quality and mold testing services in Long Island.

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