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5 Ways to Tell if Mold is Inside Your Home or Office

Do you have mold and mildew growing inside your home or office?

Long Island mold removal and mold inspection processes tend to be overlooked if there are no visible traces of that fungus growing in your home or office. But the reality is that mold can grow just about everywhere that contains desired temperatures and moisture. You can discover it in the tiniest of spores that float around in your air to the corners of your surfaces. The thing about mold is that though yes there will be times that it colonizes overtime to make it more noticeable, that is not always the case. 

Because mold can hide in some pretty tricky places, here are some ways you can tell if this fungus is in making camp inside your home or office space, even if you do not see it right away. 

1. You Are Experiencing Health Unexplained Issues

If you are in the middle of a report at work or trying to relax peacefully at home, and are burdened by random allergy issues, then you may have mold. This is especially true if you are not in allergy season, and yet you still are showing all the signs of it, such as coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, sore throat, itchy skin, and headaches. The thing about the presence of mold is that it is known to cause allergy-related symptoms. If you are still unsure if mold is the culprit, try going outside to see if your signs go away. If it does, then call a professional for a mold inspection.

Note: some molds can be severely toxic, causing things such as cancer, mental impairment, internal organ damage, and even death. So, getting an inspection is vital for your overall health to rule out the more dangerous mold species. 

2. You Have Unresolved Water Damage

If the roof of your office or home has a water spot that you have left to take care of another day and forgot about, that is a great way to start mold colonization. Molds love damp, dark places, and a forgotten water leak in the past could mean mold is up there growing behind the ceiling tiles. Check around your space. You may have mold if you see old water stains, wall discoloration, or bubbled/peeling paint.

3. Musty Odor

It is essential to understand here that not all mold causes adverse smells. But if you do happen to smell something strange with no clear indication of where it is coming from, mold could be the reason. The molds that do smell often have a musty aroma, and it is persistent. If this smell is new to your building or home, then it should be investigated. Learn about our highly-rated Long Island air duct cleaning services here.

4. Random Nose Bleeds

This one may seem odd, but if you find that you are getting random nose bleeds with no rhyme or reason for it, then mold could be doing this to you. Keep in mind that if this is the case for you, consult your doctor first to rule out any other underlying medical reasons that this could be happening. If it comes down to no known biological cause (and goes away when you leave your home/office), it could mean there is a serious mold issue living in your space, and you should address it immediately.  

5. You Feel Sick, and Cannot Seem to Recover

Similar to the allergy symptoms, mold can make you feel like you are getting sick or have the flu. If you feel like you are having a hard time breathing or think you are coming down with an illness, you may be surprised when you find that bed rest is not helping. The reason is because though you may think rest will help you recover, if there is mold in your walls, it is not going to help you at all. 

Conclusion: If you need Long Island Mold Removal CALL Moldbusters today at 631-451-7500

The unfortunate reality is that nearly all homes and offices, especially in the Long Island region, which holds the ideal habitat for mold growth, can cultivate mold. When you take the right temperature, add some moisture and darkness to the mix, it can turn into a perfect breeding ground. Knowing where to find the most common mold places is valuable, but if you still have the signs mentioned above without any traces of mold, then that is the right time to call a professional.

As a leading Long Island mold removal company, we know how important your health is and how a clean space can contribute to a better quality of life. We have conducted countless mold inspections, executed preventive measures, and treated a vast range of scenarios that resulted in prime outcomes. If you have clear signs or a hunch that you have some mold growing, give us a call for a mold inspection so you can be confident that your home or office is clean, safe, and mold-free.

We are focused on providing our mold removal services throughout Long Island, the Hamptons, and NYC during these times of the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic.

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